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These are some of our most recent financial services projects. Download a full list of our financial services credentials below and please get in touch with one of our team to discuss in more detail.


Arraco Global Markets is a broker in the worldwide freight, energy and commodity markets, matching buyers and sellers in this highly complex, fast moving market. Arraco was our client’s first investment in this sector.

Sizing the brokerage market in the wide range of products brokered by Arraco was particularly challenging, especially since market information is scarce and traders are notoriously coy about revealing the scale of their trading.


We interviewed a large number of traders in the course of our work, and used data points from these conversations and global trading volumes to assess Arraco’s current market share and the scale of brokerage opportunity in the existing and potential product ranges. Other specific questions addressed were the potential future impact of Brexit-induced regulatory changes and the likely future risk of disintermediation as technology plays a bigger role in Arroco’s sectors. 


Offshore fund administration

CDD on a Guernsey- based fund administrator for European private equity firms



Management consulting

CDD on a specialist financial services business change consultancy



Loss adjusters


CDD for Loss adjusters concentrating on domestic property claims



Credit management 


CDD on a provider of analytics and risk management services to the financial sector



Debt recovery

CDD on a debt and asset recovery specialist primarily for automotive log book lenders

Download a full list of RPL's Financial Services credentials and sign up for our newsletter 

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